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Product Terms of Use

Product Terms of Use

Updated July 12, 2024

Jump to CliftonStrengths®, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer® and BP10TM Terms

Jump to Q12® Terms

Jump to Gallup Course Terms

Jump to Gallup Access Artificial Intelligence Terms

CliftonStrengths®, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer® and BP10TM Terms

Strengths-based products are offered as a service of Gallup, Inc. and were created to enable people to discover, develop and apply their Strengths in every aspect of their lives. Your use of Strengths products or services is governed by these Product Terms. By purchasing and using Strengths products or services, you accept without limitation or qualification all Product Terms. Gallup reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Product Terms at any time. All changes are effective immediately when posted. Gallup will notify you when any material changes, modifications or additions to these Product Terms are made. Your continued use of the Gallup services means that you accept and agree to these changes. You will be subject to the terms and conditions, policies and Product Terms in force at the time that you use the Gallup Services. If any of these Product Terms are deemed invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, that condition will be deemed severable and will not be part of this Agreement. For the purposes of these Product Terms, the words content, assessment(s), tool(s), Strength(s), and StrengthsFinder(s) refer jointly and separately to the CliftonStrengths®, the Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer® and the Builder Profile 10TM (BP10TM) products and services.

These Product Terms incorporate the provisions contained in Gallup's Site Terms of Use and Sale.

All Strengths materials published by Gallup in any form of media, including, but not limited to, text, news articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips, video clips, poll results, trademarks, service marks, logos, training materials, and other material (collectively, "Content"), are protected by U.S. and international copyright and other intellectual property laws and are owned or controlled by Gallup, Inc. or the party credited as the provider of the Content.

You may use Content on Gallup assessment websites and from the Strengths Coaching Kits for personal or organizational purposes. You may not copy or republish Content from the website or Strengths Coaching Kit materials, except for those items which are allowed to be downloaded or printed from the digital learning kits. These items are specifically designed for republication for personal or organizational purposes.

In the event of any permitted copying, redistribution or publication of copyrighted material, no changes in or deletion of author attribution, trademark legend or copyright notice shall be made. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights in these copyrighted materials by downloading them. To protect the science and concepts behind Gallup's Strengths work, Gallup reserves the right to audit any user created content. Based on the results of that audit, Gallup may require modification of user created content.

For specific trademark and copyright information, please review the Trademark and Copyright Guidelines under the Site Terms of Use and Sale. Agreement.

If you are purchasing or accessing Strengths Content for use by someone other than yourself, you are responsible for complying with the additional Professional Conduct Rules.

Ownership of Individual Strengths

The individual who participated in the CliftonStrengths, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer or BP10 assessment owns his or her results, regardless of whether the individual purchased the Access Code or the Access Code was purchased for his or her benefit. Only this individual can give permission to share his or her results. If an employer, coach, consultant, or other individual or entity (collectively, the "Purchaser") purchases CliftonStrengths, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer or BP10 access for an individual, the Purchaser may be granted access to the results, but the individual will still own the results, and the Purchaser may not share the individual results without prior consent from the individual. Purchasers who receive access to individual results have an obligation to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the individual.

The Assessments offered on Gallup websites are intended to be used by individuals age 10 years and older. If you are a school administrator, teacher or otherwise part of an educational organization and you intend to have students participate in any Gallup assessment, you agree to take all necessary actions to comply with applicable student privacy laws, including, but not limited to, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Access Codes for CliftonStrengths, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer and BP10

Each individual will receive an Access Code to participate in the CliftonStrengths, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer or BP10 assessment they purchased. Purchasers are responsible for the distribution of Access Code(s) and for any uses, acts or omissions while their Access Code(s) are being used.

Trademark and Copyright Rules

There are specific limitations to your use of Gallup® and Gallup's intellectual property. For your convenience, we have outlined some of the most relevant guidelines below:

  • Use of any of Gallup® trademarks requires an executed licensing agreement with Gallup®.
  • Reference to Gallup®, StrengthsFinder®, CliftonStrengths® or other Gallup® trademarks must be used for only factual or descriptive purposes - for example, you cannot incorporate any of these terms in your business name, website domain or to imply association with Gallup® in any way beyond your certified coaching status.
  • You may not use Gallup's name or trademarks to market or promote your own books, websites or any other materials. For example, you may not put a statement on your materials that they are "based on" or "from" Gallup's StrengthsFinder® assessment.
  • You cannot use terms associated with Gallup®, CliftonStrengths®, StrengthsFinder® or other Gallup® trademarks in your business name or website domain. For example, you may not name your business "Clifton Strengths Coaching" or use "StrengthsFinder" in a domain name.
  • You may not call yourself a partner or employee of Gallup®, nor may you say you are affiliated or sponsored by Gallup®.
  • You may not design your website, books or other materials to look and feel like official Gallup® property by incorporating colors and font which are too similar to Gallup's websites, books or other Gallup® materials.
  • You may not reproduce any Gallup® materials not specifically designated to be reproduced.
  • You may not incorporate, integrate or "repackage" any of Gallup's materials into your own materials. For example, you may not incorporate the items designated to be reproduced or copied from your Gallup® coaching materials into a workbook containing materials that you have created. All published material of Gallup® is protected by copyright. If you are interested in using CliftonStrengths® theme names and descriptions in your materials, or any other Gallup® content, please visit Gallup's Permissions page for more information.

Failing to comply with these requirements may subject you to legal accountability and, if applicable, end in a revocation of your certified coaching status.

Professional Conduct Rules

In your use of the content, any related Strengths materials or the individual Strengths of another individual for the purposes of coaching, training or consulting with that individual or an organization, you agree to conduct yourself in a way that reflects positively on Gallup and the Content. The following Professional Conduct Rules are the minimum expectations Gallup places on the relationships you create with individuals or organizations.

  • You acknowledge that the third-party individual or organization using the Q12 Survey and Reporting is responsible for purchasing access to the survey and reporting platform directly from Gallup. Coaches or consultants may not purchase access to the platform on behalf of another person or organization for their benefit.

  • You acknowledge that nothing in the Product Terms, the Professional Conduct Rules or your work with Strengths shall be construed as creating a partnership, joint venture, agency relationship, or the granting of a franchise between Gallup and you.

  • You shall not make any representations, warranties or guarantees to anyone on behalf of Gallup.

  • You will not knowingly make untrue or misleading claims, and you are responsible for setting clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries.

  • You acknowledge that CliftonStrengths, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer or BP10 assessments are not validated as selection/hiring tools under the Uniform Guidelines promulgated by the EEOC, and as such, you will not use a CliftonStrengths, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer or BP10 assessment as a hiring tool or for selection purposes.

  • You shall not advertise, promote, or suggest in any manner that the services you provide to individuals or organizations in connection with the Strengths Content are provided by or sponsored by Gallup, except to state that, if applicable, you have completed one or more Gallup Strengths Workshops, or you have successfully completed all requirements for coaching certification. Additionally, you will not claim that you are employed by, affiliated with or sponsored by Gallup.

  • You will not claim to be a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach unless you complete the requirements to be certified, which includes successful completion of any required recertification programs.

  • You will respect the right of the individual or organization to terminate the consulting process at any time.

  • You will respect the confidentiality of the individual's or organization's information, except as otherwise authorized by the individual or organization or as required by law.

  • You will obtain agreement from the individual or organization before releasing their names as clients or references or any other identifying information.

  • You will obtain agreement from any person you consult with before releasing information to another person compensating you.

  • You will accurately create, maintain, store, and dispose of any records of work done in relation to the practice of consulting in a way that promotes confidentiality and complies with any applicable laws.

  • Your use of the Content shall not harm the reputation of Gallup or the Content.

  • You must notify all participants in writing of Gallup's trademarks. A complete listing of Gallup's trademarks can be found here.

  • You must notify all participants in writing that you and your company are not authorized representatives of Gallup, and you must include the following in any non-Gallup material:

The non-Gallup information you are receiving has not been approved and is not sanctioned or endorsed by Gallup in any way. Opinions, views and interpretations of CliftonStrengths, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer or BP10 results are solely the beliefs of [Insert Name of Company or Individual].

End of CliftonStrengths, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer and BP10 Product Terms


Q12® Terms

Employee Engagement products are offered as a service of Gallup and were created to enable companies to measure, move, and positively influence the engagement of their workforce. Your use of Employee Engagement Products or services is governed by these Product Terms. By purchasing and using Employee Engagement Products or services, you accept without limitation or qualification all Product Terms. Gallup reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Product Terms at any time. All changes are effective immediately when posted. Gallup will notify you when any material changes, modifications or additions to these Product Terms are made. Your continued use of the Gallup services means that you accept and agree to these changes. You will be subject to the terms and conditions, policies and Product Terms in force at the time that you use the Gallup Services. If any of these Product Terms are deemed invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, that condition will be deemed severable and will not be part of this Agreement.

These Product Terms incorporate the provisions contained in Gallup's Site Terms of Use and Sale.

Gallup reserves the right to change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of its Q12 products and services at any time, including the availability of any feature, database or content. Gallup may also impose limits on certain features and services or restrict your access to parts or all of its Q12 offerings without notice or liability.

All Q12 material published by Gallup in any form of media, including, but not limited to text, news articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips, video clips, poll results, trademarks, service marks, logos, training materials, and other material, (collectively, "Content"), are protected by U.S. and international copyright and other intellectual property laws, and are owned or controlled by Gallup or the party credited as the provider of the Content.

You may use Content on the Employee Engagement website and from the Engagement Coaching Kits for your personal or your organization's purposes only. You may not copy or republish Content from the website or Engagement Coaching Kit materials, except for those items which are allowed to be downloaded or printed from the digital learning kits. These items are specifically designed for republication for the purchaser's personal or organizational purposes.

The Q12 Employee Engagement Survey for small teams and organizations which is offered for sale on Gallup’s website is intended to be purchased directly by the end user organization, and not to be purchased by a person or organization for the benefit of another person or organization. Gallup routinely monitors purchases and reserves the right to limit additional purchases of the product if Gallup believes, in its sole discretion, that a purchaser is violating these Product Terms or the Site Terms of Use and Sale.

In the event of any permitted copying, redistribution or publication of copyrighted material, no changes in or deletion of author attribution, trademark legend or copyright notice shall be made. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights in these copyrighted materials by downloading them. To protect the science and concepts behind Gallup's Employee Engagement work, Gallup reserves the right to audit any user created content. Based on the results of that audit, Gallup may require modification of user created content.

For specific trademark and copyright information, please review the Trademark and Copyright Guidelines under the Site Terms of Use and Sale Agreement.

If you are coaching Q12 Content for use by someone other than yourself, you are responsible for complying with the additional Professional Conduct Rules.

Ownership of Q12 Results

The resulting reports from a Q12 administration shall belong to the participating company or organization. The report template and the Q12 items are the copyrighted material of Gallup and cannot be reproduced or used except within the participating company without the express permission of Gallup. The results may not be shared publicly except as set forth in this Agreement without the express permission of Gallup. Individual respondent level data are not deliverable. Gallup will not provide individual respondent level data or reports with less than four (4) participants to anyone outside of Gallup.

Access Codes for Q12

Individual employees participating in the Q12 survey will receive a Web URL. Purchasers are responsible for the distribution of the URL and for any uses, acts or omissions while the URL is being used.

Trademark and Copyright Rules

There are specific limitations to your use of Gallup® and Gallup's intellectual property. For your convenience, we have outlined some of the most relevant guidelines below:

  • Use of any of Gallup® trademarks requires an executed licensing agreement with Gallup®.
  • Reference to Gallup®, StrengthsFinder®, CliftonStrengths® or other Gallup® trademarks must be used for only factual or descriptive purposes - for example, you cannot incorporate any of these terms in your business name, website domain or to imply association with Gallup® in any way beyond your certified coaching status.
  • You may not use Gallup's name or trademarks to market or promote your own books, websites or any other materials. For example, you may not put a statement on your materials that they are "based on" or "from" Gallup's StrengthsFinder® assessment.
  • You cannot use terms associated with Gallup®, CliftonStrengths®, StrengthsFinder® or other Gallup® trademarks in your business name or website domain. For example, you may not name your business "Clifton Strengths Coaching" or use "StrengthsFinder" in a domain name.
  • You may not call yourself a partner or employee of Gallup®, nor may you say you are affiliated or sponsored by Gallup®.
  • You may not design your website, books or other materials to look and feel like official Gallup® property by incorporating colors and font which are too similar to Gallup's websites, books or other Gallup® materials.
  • You may not reproduce any Gallup® materials not specifically designated to be reproduced.
  • You may not incorporate, integrate or "repackage" any of Gallup's materials into your own materials. For example, you may not incorporate the items designated to be reproduced or copied from your Gallup® coaching materials into a workbook containing materials that you have created. All published material of Gallup® is protected by copyright. If you are interested in using CliftonStrengths® theme names and descriptions in your materials, or any other Gallup® content, please visit Gallup's Permissions page for more information.

Failing to comply with these requirements may subject you to legal accountability and, if applicable, end in a revocation of your certified coaching status.

Professional Conduct Rules

In your use of the content or any related Q12 materials for the purposes of coaching within your own organization or as a third party consulting with an organization, you agree to conduct yourself in a way that reflects positively on Gallup and the Q12 Content. The following Professional Conduct Rules are the minimum expectations Gallup places on the relationships you create with individuals or organizations.

  • You acknowledge that the third-party individual or organization using the Q12 Survey and Reporting is responsible for purchasing access to the survey and reporting platform directly from Gallup. Coaches or consultants may not purchase access to the platform on behalf of another person or organization for their benefit.
  • You acknowledge that nothing in the Purchase and Use Terms, the Professional Conduct Rules, or your work with Q12, shall be construed as creating a partnership, joint venture, agency relationship, or the granting of a franchise between Gallup and you.
  • You shall not make any representations, warranties, or guarantees anyone on behalf of Gallup.

  • You will not knowingly make untrue or misleading claims and you are responsible for setting clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries.

  • You shall not advertise, promote or suggest in any manner, that the services you provide to individuals or organizations in connection with the Q12 content are provided by or sponsored by Gallup, except to state that, if applicable, you have completed one or more Gallup engagement workshops. Additionally, you will not claim that you are employed by, affiliated with or sponsored by Gallup.

  • You will respect the right of the individual or organization to terminate the consulting process at any time.

  • You will respect the confidentiality of the individual or organization's information, except as otherwise authorized by the individual or organization, or as required by law.

  • You will obtain agreement from the individual or organization before releasing their names as clients or references, or any other identifying information.

  • You will obtain agreement from any person you consult with before releasing information to another person compensating you.

  • You will accurately create, maintain, store, and dispose of any records of work done in relation to the practice of consulting in a way that promotes confidentiality and complies with any applicable laws.

  • Your use of the Q12 Content shall not harm the reputation of Gallup or the Content.

  • You must notify all participants in writing of Gallup's trademarks. A complete listing of Gallup's trademarks can be found here.

  • You must notify all participants in writing that you and your company are not certified or authorized representatives of Gallup as provided below:

Gallup does not certify any external consultants to interpret Q12 results. As such, the non-Gallup information you are receiving has not been approved and is not sanctioned or endorsed by Gallup in any way. Opinions, views and interpretations of Q12 results are solely the beliefs of [Insert Name of Company or Individual].

End of Q12 Product Terms

Gallup Course Terms

Course products are offered as a service of Gallup, Inc. Your use of Course products or services is governed by these Product Terms. By purchasing and using Course products or services, you accept without limitation or qualification all Product Terms. Gallup reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Product Terms at any time. All changes are effective immediately when posted. Gallup will notify you when any material changes, modifications or additions to these Product Terms are made. Your continued use of the Gallup services means that you accept and agree to these changes. You will be subject to the terms and conditions, policies and Product Terms in force at the time that you use the Gallup Services. If any of these Site Terms of Use and Sale are deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition will be deemed severable and will not be part of this Agreement.

All Course materials published by Gallup in any form of media, including, but not limited to, text, news articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips, video clips, poll results, trademarks, service marks, logos, training materials, and other material (collectively, "Content"), are protected by U.S. and international copyright and other intellectual property laws and are owned or controlled by Gallup, Inc. or the party credited as the provider of the Content.

These Product Terms incorporate the provisions contained in Gallup's Site Terms of Use and Sale.

You may use Content on the Course website and from the Course Kits for personal or organizational purposes. You may not copy or republish Content from the website or Course Kit materials, except for those items which are allowed to be downloaded or printed from the digital learning kits. The items on the portable media device are specifically designed for republication for personal or organizational purposes.

In the event of any permitted copying, redistribution or publication of copyrighted material, no changes in or deletion of author attribution, trademark legend or copyright notice shall be made. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights in these copyrighted materials by downloading them. To protect the science and concepts behind Gallup's Course work, Gallup reserves the right to audit any user created content. Based on the results of that audit, Gallup may require modification of user created content.

For specific trademark and copyright information, please review the Trademark and Copyright Guidelines under the Site Terms of Use and Sale Agreement.

If you are purchasing or accessing Course Content for use by someone other than yourself, you are responsible for complying with the additional Professional Conduct Rules.

Registration Close Date

In order to ensure that each participant has an outstanding experience in our courses, Gallup closes registration for each course two (2) weeks prior to each course date. To ensure that you are guaranteed a seat in the course date of your choice; your registration must be complete and paid in full by the registration close date. In courses where seats are limited, preference will be given to registrations that are complete and paid in full. If your registration is not complete and paid in full on the registration close date, you will have the opportunity to transfer to another course date or receive a refund of any tuition deposit that you submitted.

Participation Policy

Gallup courses are intended to engage participants each day from start to finish. Because much of the learning occurs from course exercises and interaction with other participants, Gallup suggests that participants who must miss a significant part of a course transfer to a date when complete attendance and participation are possible. If transferring course dates is not an option, Gallup supports partial attendance with the understanding that participants may not receive the full value of the course and will not successfully complete the course. These participants will not receive a certification of completion.

Participant Cancellation and Transfer Policy

If you cannot attend a course that you have registered for, you can either cancel your participation, reschedule for a later course or transfer your registration to another participant.

Canceling your registration:

  • You can cancel your course participation up to 20 calendar days before the course start date for a full refund.
  • If you cancel less than 20 calendar days before the course start date, you will not receive a refund.

Rescheduling or transferring registration to another participant:

  • Up to 14 calendar days before the course start date: Gallup will impose a change fee of $200 (U.S.) (or equivalent in the currency you used to purchase) per change, which is due at the time of the change request.
  • 10-13 calendar days before the course start date: Gallup will impose a late change fee of $400 (U.S.) (or equivalent in the currency you used to purchase) per change, which is due at the time of the change request.
  • Less than nine calendar days before the course start date: Gallup will not accept any rescheduling or replacement requests. If you cannot attend the course, you will forfeit your course fee.
  • In all cases, you must choose your new course date and complete within 6 months of original course date or your course fee will be forfeited.
  • These terms appear on the confirmation page that you agreed to upon registration.

Recording and Photography Notice

Participants cannot make audio or video recordings of course sessions without Gallup's express written permission. Please be aware that Gallup may choose to record this course in video or photographic form and attendees may appear in the video or photographs. Additionally, attendees may be asked to provide their thoughts or opinions on the event or the event content in written or electronic form. You will be notified at the course if your course will be recorded, and you will have the opportunity to decline to be recorded.

By submitting a registration for yourself or someone else, or by attending this event, attendees grant permission for Gallup to store this information and to use the information in future print, electronic, or other visual media, including but not limited to marketing efforts. If you do not wish to grant permission, please contact the course registrar listed below prior to attending the event.

Trademark and Copyright Rules

There are specific limitations to your use of Gallup® and Gallup's intellectual property. For your convenience, we have outlined some of the most relevant guidelines below:

  • Use of any of Gallup® trademarks requires an executed licensing agreement with Gallup®.
  • Reference to Gallup®, StrengthsFinder®, CliftonStrengths® or other Gallup® trademarks must be used for only factual or descriptive purposes - for example, you cannot incorporate any of these terms in your business name, website domain or to imply association with Gallup® in any way beyond your certified coaching status.
  • You may not use Gallup's name or trademarks to market or promote your own books, websites or any other materials. For example, you may not put a statement on your materials that they are "based on" or "from" Gallup's StrengthsFinder® assessment.
  • You cannot use terms associated with Gallup®, CliftonStrengths®, StrengthsFinder® or other Gallup® trademarks in your business name or website domain. For example, you may not name your business "Clifton Strengths Coaching" or use "StrengthsFinder" in a domain name.
  • You may not call yourself a partner or employee of Gallup®, nor may you say you are affiliated or sponsored by Gallup®.
  • You may not design your website, books or other materials to look and feel like official Gallup® property by incorporating colors and font which are too similar to Gallup's websites, books or other Gallup® materials.
  • You may not reproduce any Gallup® materials not specifically designated to be reproduced.
  • You may not incorporate, integrate or "repackage" any of Gallup's materials into your own materials. For example, you may not incorporate the items designated to be reproduced or copied from your Gallup® coaching materials into a workbook containing materials that you have created. All published material of Gallup® is protected by copyright. If you are interested in using CliftonStrengths® theme names and descriptions in your materials, or any other Gallup® content, please visit Gallup's Permissions page for more information.

Failing to comply with these requirements may subject you to legal accountability and, if applicable, end in a revocation of your certified coaching status.

Professional Conduct Rules

In your use of the content, any related Strengths, Employee Engagement, or Course materials, or the individual Strengths or Q12 results of another individual or entity for the purposes of coaching, training or consulting with that individual or an organization, you agree to conduct yourself in a way that reflects positively on Gallup and the Content. The following Professional Conduct Rules are the minimum expectations Gallup places on the relationships you create with individuals or organizations.

  • You acknowledge that nothing in the Product Terms, the Professional Conduct Rules or your work with Strengths, Employee Engagement or Courses shall be construed as creating a partnership, joint venture, agency relationship, or the granting of a franchise between Gallup and you.

  • You shall not make any representations, warranties or guarantees to anyone on behalf of Gallup.

  • You will not knowingly make untrue or misleading claims, and you are responsible for setting clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries.

  • You acknowledge that Clifton StrengthsFinder or BP10 assessments are not validated as selection/hiring tools under the Uniform Guidelines promulgated by the EEOC, and as such, you will not use a CliftonStrengths, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer or BP10 assessment as a hiring tool or for selection purposes.

  • You shall not advertise, promote, or suggest in any manner that the services you provide to individuals or organizations in connection with the Strengths, Employee Engagement, or Courses Content are provided by or sponsored by Gallup, except to state that, if applicable, you have completed one or more Gallup Strengths, Employee Engagement, or Courses Workshops, or you have successfully completed all requirements for coaching certification. Additionally, you will not claim that you are employed by, affiliated with or sponsored by Gallup.

  • You will not claim to be a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach unless you complete the requirements to be certified, which includes successful completion of any required recertification programs.

  • You will respect the right of the individual or organization to terminate the consulting process at any time.

  • You will respect the confidentiality of the individual's or organization's information, except as otherwise authorized by the individual or organization or as required by law.

  • You will obtain agreement from the individual or organization before releasing their names as clients or references or any other identifying information.

  • You will obtain agreement from any person you consult with before releasing information to another person compensating you.

  • You will accurately create, maintain, store, and dispose of any records of work done in relation to the practice of consulting in a way that promotes confidentiality and complies with any applicable laws.

  • Your use of the Content shall not harm the reputation of Gallup or the Content.

  • You must notify all participants in writing of Gallup's trademarks. A complete listing of Gallup's trademarks can be found here.

  • You must notify all participants in writing that you and your company are not authorized representatives of Gallup, and you must include the following in any non-Gallup material, as applicable:

For CliftonStrengths, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer and BP10: The non-Gallup information you are receiving has not been approved and is not sanctioned or endorsed by Gallup in any way. Opinions, views and interpretations of CliftonStrengths, Clifton Youth StrengthsExplorer or BP10 results are solely the beliefs of [Insert Name of Company or Individual].

For Q12: Gallup does not certify any external consultants to interpret Q12 results. As such, the non-Gallup information you are receiving has not been approved and is not sanctioned or endorsed by Gallup in any way. Opinions, views and interpretations of Q12 results are solely the beliefs of [Insert Name of Company or Individual].

End of Courses Product Terms

Gallup Access Artificial Intelligence Terms

Gallup Access Artificial Intelligence (AI) Terms incorporate all the prior terms listed above for the applicable products and services and the following additional terms:

This system is designed to provide you with information about Gallup’s products and services by accessing Gallup-specific content. Your use of Gallup Access Artificial Intelligence may be used to train the AI. It helps enhance our services and improve the accuracy and performance of the AI. The AI may use the following:

  • Text inputs and interactions with our services.
  • Any feedback or responses you provide.

Any information you provide is aggregated with the information of other users to protect your confidentiality. Gallup Access Artificial Intelligence exists within Gallup Access and is not shared to any large language models outside of the Gallup environment.

Outputs generated from this system are likely to include Gallup content for which certain Gallup intellectual property protections apply, including but not limited to copyrights and trademarks. You may not use generated content as your own or use the generated content in your own works.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are rapidly evolving fields of study. We are constantly working to improve our services to make them more accurate, reliable, safe, and beneficial. Given the current shortcomings of machine learning, use of this system may, in some situations, result in generated content that does not accurately reflect real people, places, facts, or Gallup’s research, knowledge, or views.

You should not rely on this AI system for any serious or consequential matters. You should not use an output of this system to make or assist in making any hiring, promotion, termination, or other similar decisions. You should not represent that any generated content was human generated when it was not. You should also not use this AI system to harm, harass or deceive anyone.

You are solely responsible for any actions you take based on the output of this AI system.

In addition, your use of the Gallup Access AI system must not:

  1. develop a foundation or large language model that competes with Gallup Access AI;
  2. automatically or programmatically extract data or output;
  3. attempt to or assist anyone to reverse engineer, decompile or discover the source code or underlying components of our services, including our models, algorithms, or systems (except to the extent this restriction is prohibited by applicable law);
  4. access any part of the system in order to build a competing product or service;
  5. use the system to provide services to third parties;
  6. license, lease, transfer, assign, disclose, or otherwise commercially exploit the system or an output from the system; or
  7. modify any proprietary rights notices that appear in the system.

Gallup suggests that you use this system for general research and learning, keeping in mind the limitations and warnings described above. Gallup may decide to discontinue the Gallup Access AI services at any time and for any purpose. You are free to stop using our Gallup Access AI services at any time.

End of Gallup Access AI Product Terms

Gallup World Headquarters, 901 F Street, Washington, D.C., 20001, U.S.A
+1 202.715.3030